Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Short Story

Here's a new short story I thought I'd share with you...

It came to me every night, a dark, misty shadow, a cold wind, a whispering voice. Every night it came to me, to tell me what I needed to know, and every time I had forgotten it by morning. It stayed with me for months, never failing to come to me. One time I did remember what it said. This is what I remembered. “Don’t trust those whom you most trust,” it had whispered. Of course, that didn’t make any sense. I didn’t tell my parents about it, fearing they would think I had really had gone crazy this time.
I didn’t think about it again for weeks, until it came with a more urgent message. That night, it came as a shadow, a cold wind, and a voice. It seemed very urgent and very determined that I not forget this visit come morning. “Beware! Not all of those whom you trust should be trusted! Those closest are really farthest.” It whispered urgently.
By the next morning, I had forgotten several parts. All I could remember was that it had something to do with trust. I had no idea what it meant. I ignored it. The next day, I awoke and felt very confused. I went to move my arms to stretch, and found they were bound behind my back. My legs were also bound together with thick rope, knotted elaborately. I struggled to sit up and look around, suddenly realizing that I was not in my house at all, but in what appeared to be a canoe. This was all very confusing to me, so I did not realize that the canoe was filling with water until it was almost halfway full. The water continued to rush in, coming faster now. Soon, the canoe was almost completely full, it was sinking fast. I struggled to get out, and landed in the freezing water with a splash.
I felt disoriented, as if I had looked into a bright light for too long. I couldn’t tell which way was up and which way was down. I picked a direction and struggled to swim. But, because my hands and feet were bound, I just continued sinking. My lungs began to burn badly from the lack of oxygen. Spots appeared in front of my eyes. Once again I heard the voice, speaking to me. “You were warned, now you must pay the price every man must pay.”
In my last two seconds of life, I realized what the answer to that riddle was, death.
Back at the house, the boy’s parents sat, chuckling darkly to themselves.

I hoped you liked it! :-)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kara's Country Section

My friend Kara really likes country here's a section with some of her favorites. Enjoy!

Here's 'I wanna talk about me'

Here's 'Southern Voice'

Here's 'Twang'

Here's 'That's How Country Boys Roll'

Here's 'Small Town USA'

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Shadow Children

Here's another short story for you to enjoy...

The Shadow Children
Our school was taking a trip to the old schoolhouse, something all the grades did every year. It was supposed to teach us about what life used to be like many years ago, though I don’t think anyone ever learned anything from it. We were all far too preoccupied with goofing off and telling creepy ghost stories about the place to actually care about anything the guide was talking about. That was, until this year’s guide mentioned the ghost stories.
“Settle down everyone,” she said, “I have something I need to tell you, and I think you will find it very interesting. It has to do with the ghost legends surrounding this place.”
That, of course, got everyone’s attention. A pretty lady with long, straight, black hair, she was the youngest guide we had ever had. Usually our guide was an elderly person filled with wrinkles and lacking humor and personality. Someone who was just plain dull and made everything else seem just as dull. But this guide was quite a change for the better.
Once everyone was seated, the woman began to speak. “There are many stories of ghosts and spirits that surround this place. Over one hundred years old, it seems pretty easy to believe that something not quite human might inhabit this place. I am here to tell you though, that none of these stories are true, except for one. That one is the story of the shadow children, and it is very much true.
It was a bright, sunshiny May day, and little Johnny Whitaker was bored to tears. He stared out the dirty windows and gazed at the lovely day outside. Oh, how he wished that school would just hurry up and be over so he could go enjoy this perfect day.
Light filtered into the room, giving it a warm, lazy glow. Someone sneezed, raising up a large cloud of dust. He struggled to concentrate on what Ms. Caroline was saying, but it was no use. His mind would just not stay put. He found himself thinking about the last time he and his dad had gone fishing, on a day just like this one.
They had gone down to the old creek down the road. It was a nice creek, the same creek his father had been to with his father. It was tucked away in the woods shaded by gorgeous oak trees, the light filtered I through them, casting a glow. It was there that he caught his first fish, and on that day, his first 2 footer. That day was one of the best he ever had.
He snapped back to reality as my teacher called on him. “Huh?” he asked, stupidly.
“Johnny, were you paying attention?”Ms. Caroline scolded. Johnny stared down at his hands, his cheeks aflame. Ms. Caroline let him be and resumed teaching.
Suddenly, seemingly coming out of nowhere, there was a loud, harsh rapping at the door. “Come in”, Ms. Caroline called. Two burly men entered the room, armed with loaded shot guns. “Oh my!” she screamed, backing away frightfully.
“Nobody moves,” One of the men grunted. All the children did as they were told, several shaking and crying softly. The two were dirty and smelled of blood and stale alcohol. Ms. Caroline screamed again. One of the men aimed their gun at her. She backed up against the wall whimpering. The man turned and aimed the gun at a little girl, Sarah.
“What’s your name?” the other man asked in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Sarah Loverly,” she whispered nervously.
“Ah, Sarah, how do you feel about dying?” he asked.
“W-w-w-what?” she stammered uncontrollably.
With that, the man pulled the trigger. Two bangs, then silence. Ms. Caroline began screaming and wailing and soon they had all joined in. Several more bangs followed, silencing three more children. Then another bang and Ms. Caroline was silent. In the few minutes that followed, everyone in the classroom was shot and killed.
100 years passed before the sightings began. First it was a glimpse of a strange looking shadow. Then, it was classroom items mysteriously floated into the air and were moved around overnight. These small occurrences were all that happened at first. Then people would hear someone screaming, or shot guns being fired. It is said that these restless spirits haunt the place to this day. Believe me if you want, or you can find out for yourself. Your choice.” The woman concluded.
I don’t know about you, but I decided to take her word for it. Too bad some of my other classmates didn’t…

I hope you enjoyed it :-)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A List of Books You Might Want to Read

I am certaintly a little bit obsessed with reading, and thought I'd share a some good book with you.

1. For any vamoire lovers, check out the following series...
.Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
.Vampire Diaries
.Marked series
.Blue Bloods series

2. Other horror books and series....
.Anything by Stephen King
.Deadly Little Secret
.City of Bones
.All the Lovely Bad Ones

3. Classics
.Little Women
.Black Beauty
.Swiss Family Robinson

4. Other books
.Once Upon A Marigold
.Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIHM
.Harry Potter series
.Ella Minnow Pea
.Inkheart, Inskspell, Inkdeath

In the future I may have some book reviews too...also, if you are interested in the vampire and horror, check out

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The House on the Hill

Here's my latest short story, enjoy...

The House on the Hill
On the shadowy hill, there was a large, dilapidated, shadowy mansion, filled with items from a long-passed era. The mansion was the subject of many stories and tall tales, though none more prominent than the tale of “the winsome mansion spirits”.
This tale had first emerged nearly 80 years ago, when an old man had told it to some particularly annoying and frustrating kids to get them to go away. At least, that’s what everyone says, though some like to believe that it wasn’t as much of a joke as it seemed. Either way, the story he told them is still the same, and it goes like this.
“Many years ago, a man and his new wife lived in that mansion. Back then, it was a thing of marvel, that mansion was, with its large halls, elegant and ornate furnishings, and its glorious library, the best anyone had ever seen. There they lived in peace and happiness for their first year, but then the terrible fever struck, killing his poor wife, Maria. After that, exactly one month from the day of Maria’s death, the husband, John, was found hanged in an old caretaker’s cottage out behind the house. Ever since then, it has been rumored that their spirits haunt that mansion, weeping for their loss of life, pleasure, and happiness. On several occasions, mysterious things have been reported.
The first time, it was a man who had been walking by the house and swore he heard a ghostly wailing. He had suddenly felt very cold, even though it was the middle of summer and was sweltering outside. He had run away frightened, and never gotten within a half mile radius of the place again.
The second sighting came 2 years later, when a realtor came to check out the house and see if there was any hope for selling it or the property. When she went inside, she instantly shivered and felt like something was watching her. Thinking it was just paranoia, she calmly proceeded further into the house. The feeling that someone was watching her grew stronger, and the strange paintings that hung haphazardly on the walls seemed to be observing her every move. After a while, it became unbearable, so she turned around to go back, but when she reached the front door, she found that it had locked behind her. She reached to turn the knob, but it would not budge. For some reason it seemed to have rusted shut, even though it had swung open easily when she had first entered. Beginning to truly feel frightened for the first time, she whirled around, searching for another exit. That’s when she saw it. The strange shadow hovering over the staircase. The strange shadow that grinned at her and began making its way toward her. The strange shadow that caused her to have a fatal heart attack people would later claim was the result of underlying heart disease. The shadow of Maria.”
This is the story that was passed down from generation to generation, and has been hanging over the mansion ever since. It was never proven true or false, and many still wonder...

I hope you enjoyed it... :-)

Saturday, November 21, 2009


All you Twilight fans know that at midnight on November 19th, techinally the 20th New Moon came out!!! This is the much anticipated sequel to Twilight. Also, just in case you were unaware, they have already finished filming Eclipse. For those of you who haven't seen the movie yet and want to see the trailer again, it's on a previous post on my blog. In the future I will continue keeping you updated on all things Twilight. I've heard that this one is supposed to be much better and I can't wait to go see it myself soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Great Cat Story Submitted by Nathalie...

Hey, a girl named Nathalie wrote this great cat story and submitted's realy good...I hope you enjoy it, I did.

I never really had the best life; what with two corrupt parents and a drug dealing teenage brother as your family, kids that would as soon punch you as they'd swat a fly as some of your only friends, and a school that was so poor, it couldn't afford to put doors on the bathroom stalls as your "safe" spot. Being just eight years old, that was a lot for me. So when I found out we were moving to Wyoming, I was dumbfounded-not exactly furious or upset- just plain dumbfounded. I didn't mind leaving this city that everyone to as the "Junkie Yard", but I hated the fact that I would have to start over right after I got into the group.
Before I knew it, I found myself perched on the rotting steps of the front porch-- head between hands, elbows leaning on my legs, a sleepy expression on my face, waiting for my parents yo come home from the bar. When they didn't return by 7:45 I started to worry. Even though they were horrible, they still knew to come home by dark. Then the sun spat out a last flicker of light before disappearing below the horizon and people started to wander the road. I decided to finally go inside, but when I tugged on the steel handle, I found that the door was locked. That's when I realized,"Oh my god, I've been abandoned." I could have filled up hundreds of books with all the thoughts that ran through my mind at that instant.

I spent a week sleeping in peoples' barns and under city doorsteps before I arrived at my used-to-be house again. My life was about to change all over again. She came to me when I had lost everything. Heidi. I saw the bushes shudder and shake. Then a distinct growl was heard above the wind. A dog, with his face in a snarl, popped his head out and then made a horrible and ferocious sounding bark that I practically jumped out of my skin. He dove back into the bushes, but when he came out the second time, there was a kitten in his mouth. He flung the kitten ten feet across the grass and burst off heading out to go scare someone else. The kitten made the most pitiful sound, I couldn't help but rush over to it and then start cradling the poor creature in my arms. I wrapped her (something I later found out) in my jacket and made a beeline across town to the vet's office

She dug her head into my arm and purred so loudly she seemed to vibrate the whole way there. I loved it.When I finally got to the small vet building, The nurse immediately took my new friend away to examine her. I was told that the kitten, Heidi I decided to call her, would have to stay there due to internal bleeding. Every single day for two months I visited Heidi and watched grow. Every single night for one month I slept outside of the building until the head veterinarian, Dr. Finegan, discovered me sleeping on the steps and decided to start asking questions about my life. I told him about what happened to me and why I slept where I did, everything. From that point, he began to act more like a father to me. Then finally, Heidi was out.

We did everything together. If I ran, she pounced alongside. If I sang, she meowed loudly too. If I lay down, she would roll over and show her belly. Heidi was my first true friend. One day, me and my fluffy striped cat were passing the vet's office, when Dr. Finegan clattered through the door and asked if I would like to be his daughter. It was so sudden, but I said yes right away; I was going to have a family. For once, I was having good luck.
That night as I settled down to sleep in a warm bed, Heidi crawled onto the pillow, stretched for forever and then plopped right over my eyes. when I shooed her off, she burst under the covers and decided to go up my shirt. Boy! Was that a funny sight to see! Then after she ran out through my neck hole, she started kneading on top of my stomach. It was painful! Finally she lay down on my chest and watched me as I dozed. That was actually one of the best nights of my life.

Years passed and the man I had once called Doctor was then the man I called Daddy. As I got older, my bond with Heidi got stronger. She still followed me everywhere, she still purred as loudly as she did a kitten, and she still played the little game of "Where Is Sleeping Place?" with me every night. But now, she did more. If I called someone, my striped fluff ball would stick her paw into the baby phone dial and start turning it too. If I wanted to go out with my friends, she would shove her way between us, making sure no one touched the other. She was also a strange cat. If I ever went swimming, guess what she would do, jump into the water and start gracefully swimming around me. Cats are supposed to hate water! I think what she did was hilarious. On day, I came home from school, when I went inside the house, no one was there. That was apparently the day my "father" was shot and killed at a gas station.

Heidi and I were sent to an orphanage that week. I wouldn't talk, eat, or smile for the months that followed. The only thing that kept me going was her. She gave me a purpose; I knew Heidi depended on me, if I stopped trying, she would quit being the fun, adventurous, wonderful cat she was, and seemingly die too. You could say I was truly in a bout of depression that was hard to snap out from. He was the only person that had ever cared for me, and then, poof, he's gone. I was angry at him for leaving me, sad that I no longer had a home, mournful of my loss, and furious that almost every kid had the things I treasured. there was nothing to be cheerful about, other than I received food, shelter, and had a cat. then a grungy old bum-like man walked into St. Maria's Orphanage. I was honestly afraid of the guy and I desperately hoped that he wasn't there for a child. But then, he started to survey every one of the children. When he got to me and Heidi, the man stopped. He made a disgusting attempt at a smile and almost sneered, "This one". I was terrified. Harry, I later found out his name was, filled out the papers and packed Heidi and me into the back of his smelly car.

He lived on a farm, and put me to work every day from dusk to dawn hoeing the way they did 100 years ago. Heidi was used as a mouse finder and a garden plow. The crazy old coot attached a miniature plow to Heidi and forced her to run around in the penned off garden. I slept in a cot and ate porridge for every meal. I remember thinking," God, this guy's gotta get out more!" Heidi and I both hated living with him. She began looking malnourished and was nowhere near as active as she had once been. Harry wrote in a notebook every day and when I asked him about it, all the guy would say is, "Plans! Now leave!". He didn't have a phone, so I couldn't call for someone to help me. I strongly believe that Harry hated me.

Then, during the night I could smell smoke and saw shadows dancing on my wall. I ran to my window trying to catch a glimpse at was causing it. Heidi was already on my windowsill. That's when I saw it, the man was dousing the fields and buildings with gasoline and setting them aflame. Fear surged through me. I did something idiotic... jumped out the window with Heidi in my arms. He saw us and began insanely running toward me. When he caught up, Harry snatched Heidi from my arms. He was mumbling stuff to her, only loudly enough for Heidi to hear. Then he turned to me and said," You've enjoyed too much. You have had friends, a home, and a father. None of which I ever had. When I took you into my own caring arms, you resented me and my house. now you must pay."

I remember watching him squirt gasoline all over Heidi. I was shrieking and crying, " Oh my God, no! No! Stop it! Please stop! What are you going to do to her? No!" I remember her cry as he threw her into the flames. I collapsed. Now I knew that I had no reason to live and so I jumped into the flames myself. I remember watching the fire climb up my leg like a vine. It seemed painless. I saw one last bit of orange light before everything went black. When I awoke, I was inside an ambulance.

I hope you liked it...if you want to leave any comments for Nathalie, I will pass them on to her...:-)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cujo-by Stephen King

I thought I'd let you know abou the latest book I read, Cujo. It's awesome!!! If you are looking for a great horror novel, you will love it. Here is a small excerpt for anyone who is interested...
His bite is worse than his bark...


"It happens inncoently enough, but doesn't it always. A big, friendly dog chases a rabbit into a hidden underground cave-and stirs a sleeping evil crueler than death itself.
A terrified four-year-old boy sees his bedroom closet door swing open untouched by human hands,and screams at the unholy red eyes gleaming in the darkness.
The little Maine town of Castle Rock is about to be invaded by the most hideous menace ever to savage the fleash and devour the mind."

Just thought I'd mention this...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the _th!!!

This is my last Friday the 13th post. I thought I'd conclude with another short story...

Black Rose
"See you tomorrow!" I called out to my best friend, Kylie. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed towards the bus stop. I went to HeartRidge Middle School, and was currently in the 7th grade. My name's Brianna, and Kylie and I have been friends for a while now. We met when we both joined the cheerleading squad at our old Elementary school,(Sunyside Academy), and have been best friends ever since.
As I climbed onto the bus, I realized tomorrow was Friday the 13th, and Kylie and I would be having our annual "Friday the 13th Sleepover". It wasn't like we were superstitous or anything, but we would use any excuse to have a sleepover together. I couldn't wait!
The next day, Kylie wasn't at school. I figured she'd show up eventually, and tried not to push the thought from my mind. But no matter what I was doing I continued worrying.
I waited for her at our usual spot at lunch, but still she didn't show.
After school I tried calling her several times to no avail. I had no choice but to climb onto the bus, still worrying.
That night though, Kylie showed up. She was wearing her cheerleading uniform for some unknown reason.
"Kylie, where were you today?" I asked.
"Doesn't matter", was all she said in a flat monotone.
"I have something to show you," Kyli said unemotionally. As I looked at her, I suddenly realized she was extremely pale. As I wasobserving her, she pulled a silver knife from behind her back.
"Kylie! What are you doing?!?" I screamed.
"Showing you something", She took the knife and plunged it into her stomach.
I screamed. She pulled the knife out, now stainedbright crimson red. Blood poured down her uniform, but she didn't seem to notice or care. She didn't even flinch.
"W-What? How?" I whispered.
"Simple, I was already dead,".
With that she walked away, trailing blood. When she was gone, the only thing that remained besides the blood was a single black rose.
The next morning, I woke up hoping it had all been a dream, or nightmare rather. But, on the news it there was a major story on two men who had been found dead on highway 41. The only evidence the authorities had found was a single black rose. The other breaking story was that Kylie Rogers, a local 7th grader had dissaperead without a trace. The only clue found at her house was a single black rose that both parents denied having seen before the dissapearence. I sighed, well at least Kylie got her revenge...

I hope you liked this...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Friday the 13th Contest

The Friday the 13th contest...Whoever sends in the best poem, story, or video for Friday the 13th will be announce on the website and have their story/poem/video posted on the website. All winners will be announced on Friday the 13th, or Saturday the 14th. Good luck to all. Also, once again you may leave any and all comments, stories, or anything at Also, anyone who wants to enter the cat story contest may enter through my email. So please feel free to use it. Also, check out 'Friday the 13th Countdown Continues' for some awesome Friday the 13th video clips. Thanks for checking out my blog and spread the word, also, leave a comment so I can see how many people are checking out my blog. (I appreciate comments!!!)

Check back later for the latest on Friday the 13th...:-)

The Countdown Continues...

To keep things going this Veteran's Day, I thought I'd share another story with you, and some other cool things. Here are some quotes that set the mood...

"There was a pain in the back of my head, then a dizzying light, and then everything went black. This is all I remember about my death."

"It started out so simply, inncoently enough. Then again, that's how it always happens isn't it?"

"Is it possible to die of fright? I hope not, otherwise I will soon be dead."

"Lurking in the shadows was an ugly thing called fate."

If you want to see some creepy photos of supposedly seen ghosts, go to

Here's some creepy music...

is this a REAL ghost sighting? Decide for yourself.

How about this one?

For more, check out youtube...I will add more on FT13 later...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday the 13th Countdown

As most of you probably know, this Friday is Friday the 13th...So, I am doing some freaky stuff all this week...If you have anything you would like to share about Friday the 13th(videos, messages, comments, stories, pics, anything) please leave them in the comments section or email me at

To kick things off I thought I'd share some freaky Friday the 13th stories with you...

"It was a dark and stormy night.” Callie shivered and pulled her jacket tighter. The wind blew her hair everywhere, like a miniature tornado.
She had woken from a nightmare in the middle of the night and found herself here, in Shadow Woods. In her dream an unknown presence had led her to this very spot. When she awoke she found herself standing in that same spot.
The wind continued howling and the rain continued pounding, but as if in a trance, Callie kept making her way through the woods. Somewhere a wolf howled, sending shivers down Callie's spine. After a while, she reached a deep, murky lake. Suddenly she knew exactly where she was...Sierra's Lake. The lake had gotten its name years ago, when 5-year-old Sierra Loverly had drowned there.
Sierra was a bright, sunshiny little girl. Almost everyone knew her and adored her.
One day little Sierra was playing hide-and-seek in the Shadow Woods with several other little girls her age. When little Sierra ran off to find her hiding spot, supposedly she slipped in the mud and rolled down the hill and into the lake. Unable to swim, in a matter of minutes she would have drowned. It was days before the authorities found her body, her perfect blond curls fanning out, her skin chalk white, and her lips a sickly blue. The lake was then named in her honor, and all the children were forbidden to go anywhere near it.
Now, 10 years later, Callie was standing in that same fatal spot where Sierra had slipped and fallen. Again in a trance, Callie began cautiously making her way down the slippery slope to the edge of the lake.
When she reached the edge, she could faintly hear a voice, "Ca-llie, Ca-llie. I've been waiting for you. Come. Come and play with me,” it called.
Callie slowly took a step in the voice's direction, into the lake. The water was icy cold, freezing her ankles. Callie shivered violently.
"Ca-llie,” the voice called again, "Ca-llie.”
Callie continued making her way deeper and deeper into the murky water. Soon she was knee deep, then waist deep.
"Come play, Come play,” the voice whispered.
In one final plunge, Callie was completely underwater. As she began sinking, the last thing she heard was, "I knew you would come.”

Hope you liked the story, please leave me comments or email me at cant wait to hear from you, if you like it I will post more...
Check in later for the latest FT13 updates.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Top Songs Today

Calling all music lovers, here are some of the top songs on the chart...enjoy, and feel free to download any of them from itunes(which rocks by the way).

Lady Gaga

Jay Sean Featuring Lil Wayne

Whatcha Say
Jason DeRulo

You Belong With Me
Taylor Swift

Already Gone
Kelly Clarkson

Sweet Dreams

Owl City

Use Somebody
Kings of Leon

Enjoy, (also,if you are looking for an addictive hillarious song, try Gummy Bear)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Crazy Cats!!!

You think your cat is crazy??? Well, check out some of these INSANE little felines and see for yourself...
(This one's pretty darn funny, it's also pretty long, about 7 minutes)

If you are a fellow cat lover, check out these websites...

If you are looking for some touching cat stories, you might try reading Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul, a truly wonderful book. I have read it myself and really enjoyed it. I have had many cats, including my two current ones, Willow and Naya, who are sisters we adopted from the local humane society.(The Humane Society is one of the best places to adopt a pet from, so support your local Humane Society or Pet Rescue, they are very important). My cats have always been a sorce of humor, love, and compassion. I hope you will check out this book, because it is very touching, in fact the whole series is. For more on cats, check back here in a few days and I shoud have some new stories and maybe another video or too. Once again, please feel free to leave any comments...(I would really appreciate it)...and, if you leave any good cat stories, there's a good chance I will post them on, feel free to share any and all of your cat stories.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


If you live in Gainesville,Fl and are looking for an AWESOME pizza restaurant, then Satchel's is your place. Locally owned and run, Satchel's is the neatest restaurant I've ever been to. With things such as Lightnin' Salvage, their antique and collectables store, their incredible salad dressing, and their one of a kind homemade pizza, what's not to love? Not to mention you can enjoy your meal while sitting in a van if you wish. Satchel is a REAL person, a real neat person that is. He offers grants to people, like teachers, and is a really great guy. This buisness also offers live music and catering. They are open Tues.-Sat. 11am to 10pm. So the next time you're hungering for some AMAZING pizza, just stop by Satchel's, the best pizza place in all of Alachua County, Fl.

visit his website for more won't be sorry...

YUM!!! YUM!!!
Hey, i thought I'd show you what some really CRAZY people do on Halloween...

Go to this website to see some HILARIOUS pumkins...

Also, If that's not weird enough for you,in Ulster county they built a giant pumpkin cannon that fires pumpkins...enjoy this video of it...

Plus, here's a video of a bunch of dogs wearing INSANE Halloween costumes...enjoy

Here's just a taste of what some insane people do on Halloween, have a great Halloween and check back here later for more...

Friday, October 30, 2009

This is for all of you twilight fans...I thought i'd post some of the latest news in the world of Twilight...
Twilight_New_Moon_Eclipse_by_midnig.jpg twilight saga image by vmcrowl

Go to FanPrizes.comNew-Moon-Premiere to enter to win a trip to the premiere of Twilight: New Moon with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart to enter to win a trip to the New Moon premiere with Kristen and Robert

Go to for info on the books, movies,downloads, videos and more

Also, here is the New Moon trailer for those of you who haven't seen it or would like to see it again.

I hope to have more for you later...but I have this for now.

Halloween Haunts(my first entry)

My name is Rebecca and this is the first post on my newly created blog. It seems right to talk about Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year.Halloween is great, I mean who doesn't like free candy and ghost stories? Not to mention a lot of cool costumes and parties. I don't know about you, but I love the creepy part of Halloween, for all you superstitious people out there, here are some links to a couple of great websites I've found...

So, Have a great Halloween and Happy Haunting...Also, feel free to leave comments...