Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friday the 13th Countdown

As most of you probably know, this Friday is Friday the 13th...So, I am doing some freaky stuff all this week...If you have anything you would like to share about Friday the 13th(videos, messages, comments, stories, pics, anything) please leave them in the comments section or email me at rebecca9100@cox.net.

To kick things off I thought I'd share some freaky Friday the 13th stories with you...

"It was a dark and stormy night.” Callie shivered and pulled her jacket tighter. The wind blew her hair everywhere, like a miniature tornado.
She had woken from a nightmare in the middle of the night and found herself here, in Shadow Woods. In her dream an unknown presence had led her to this very spot. When she awoke she found herself standing in that same spot.
The wind continued howling and the rain continued pounding, but as if in a trance, Callie kept making her way through the woods. Somewhere a wolf howled, sending shivers down Callie's spine. After a while, she reached a deep, murky lake. Suddenly she knew exactly where she was...Sierra's Lake. The lake had gotten its name years ago, when 5-year-old Sierra Loverly had drowned there.
Sierra was a bright, sunshiny little girl. Almost everyone knew her and adored her.
One day little Sierra was playing hide-and-seek in the Shadow Woods with several other little girls her age. When little Sierra ran off to find her hiding spot, supposedly she slipped in the mud and rolled down the hill and into the lake. Unable to swim, in a matter of minutes she would have drowned. It was days before the authorities found her body, her perfect blond curls fanning out, her skin chalk white, and her lips a sickly blue. The lake was then named in her honor, and all the children were forbidden to go anywhere near it.
Now, 10 years later, Callie was standing in that same fatal spot where Sierra had slipped and fallen. Again in a trance, Callie began cautiously making her way down the slippery slope to the edge of the lake.
When she reached the edge, she could faintly hear a voice, "Ca-llie, Ca-llie. I've been waiting for you. Come. Come and play with me,” it called.
Callie slowly took a step in the voice's direction, into the lake. The water was icy cold, freezing her ankles. Callie shivered violently.
"Ca-llie,” the voice called again, "Ca-llie.”
Callie continued making her way deeper and deeper into the murky water. Soon she was knee deep, then waist deep.
"Come play, Come play,” the voice whispered.
In one final plunge, Callie was completely underwater. As she began sinking, the last thing she heard was, "I knew you would come.”

Hope you liked the story, please leave me comments or email me at rebecca9100@cox.net...I cant wait to hear from you, if you like it I will post more...
Check in later for the latest FT13 updates.

1 comment:

  1. That's great Rebecca! Why didn't you share it in class? Please post more of your stories on here!!!

