Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Short Story

Here's a new short story I thought I'd share with you...

It came to me every night, a dark, misty shadow, a cold wind, a whispering voice. Every night it came to me, to tell me what I needed to know, and every time I had forgotten it by morning. It stayed with me for months, never failing to come to me. One time I did remember what it said. This is what I remembered. “Don’t trust those whom you most trust,” it had whispered. Of course, that didn’t make any sense. I didn’t tell my parents about it, fearing they would think I had really had gone crazy this time.
I didn’t think about it again for weeks, until it came with a more urgent message. That night, it came as a shadow, a cold wind, and a voice. It seemed very urgent and very determined that I not forget this visit come morning. “Beware! Not all of those whom you trust should be trusted! Those closest are really farthest.” It whispered urgently.
By the next morning, I had forgotten several parts. All I could remember was that it had something to do with trust. I had no idea what it meant. I ignored it. The next day, I awoke and felt very confused. I went to move my arms to stretch, and found they were bound behind my back. My legs were also bound together with thick rope, knotted elaborately. I struggled to sit up and look around, suddenly realizing that I was not in my house at all, but in what appeared to be a canoe. This was all very confusing to me, so I did not realize that the canoe was filling with water until it was almost halfway full. The water continued to rush in, coming faster now. Soon, the canoe was almost completely full, it was sinking fast. I struggled to get out, and landed in the freezing water with a splash.
I felt disoriented, as if I had looked into a bright light for too long. I couldn’t tell which way was up and which way was down. I picked a direction and struggled to swim. But, because my hands and feet were bound, I just continued sinking. My lungs began to burn badly from the lack of oxygen. Spots appeared in front of my eyes. Once again I heard the voice, speaking to me. “You were warned, now you must pay the price every man must pay.”
In my last two seconds of life, I realized what the answer to that riddle was, death.
Back at the house, the boy’s parents sat, chuckling darkly to themselves.

I hoped you liked it! :-)

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