
Horoscope for the Week

Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 19
Taurus: Apr 20 - May 20
Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20
Cancer: Jun 21 - Jul 22
Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Virgo: Aug 23 - Sep 22
Libra: Sep 23 - Oct 22
Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21
Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21
Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20
Aries: Relationships come back into focus as Saturn moves into Libra on Wednesday. It will remain here for some time, encouraging you to get your act together and work on any shadowy material that may be causing a problem between your and your lover. This shadowy stuff can also infiltrate other relationships. Get to know yourself in depth. Saturday brings a chance to take advantage of a lucky opportunity. You realize that you're the one for the job.

Taurus: You'll now get your confidence back and feel much more at ease in romantic situations, especially first dates. Saturn moves out of Virgo and into Libra, so your new focus is your work, health, and overall lifestyle. This is the area in which you need to take full responsibility for your actions. The more willing you are to do so, the more fulfilled you'll be. The Sun moves into your home zone and puts a positive slant on family affairs.

Gemini: As the Sun enters Leo, get clear on what you need to discuss and the ideas you have to share with others. With Mercury also in Leo, this is the ideal time to pitch your ideas to interested parties, create an advertising campaign, and create or update your website. Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries, so you may need to spot those lucky breaks yourself and make the most of them through your own efforts. They're no longer a given.

Cancer: As Saturn moves into Libra and your home zone, the emphasis is on family affairs and discovering more about your roots and ancestry. It's also the time to take greater responsibility for any issues that need healing, especially those that may be longstanding. Jupiter turns retrograde in your career zone, so you need to work even harder to make the most of any lucky breaks. Don't wait for them. Generate them yourself and you'll stay successful and happy!

Leo: You get a positive boost and feel in a much stronger position to organize your life, make changes, and get those creative projects off the ground. Mercury is encouraging you to blow your own trumpet and show off your talents. It's time to advertise yourself in no uncertain terms. Saturn moves into Libra and your communication zone. As this area is also associated with mental patterns, this is your chance to watch them in operation and change what isn't working.

Virgo: The good news is that Saturn moves out of your sign and into Libra. It won't return for another 29 or so years, so you can now breathe a sigh of relief. It will inhabit your personal financial zone from this week until about 2012, which means you need to take responsibility for this area of life. The more willing you are to perfect your skills and talents and realize your own true worth, the more you will flourish.

Libra: Saturn moves into your sign once again and is here to stay until 2012. You have a wonderful opportunity to bring your best and brightest dreams to life, but it will take work. You'll probably feel a lot more serious about life - and about yourself, too. But in reality, it's all a question of balance. Jupiter turns retrograde in your relationship zone and squares Pluto on Saturday, so you and your partner might seek change at a grassroots level.
Scorpio: Your career zone is in focus as the Sun brings a burst of positive energy your way. You could find yourself in the spotlight whether you want to be there or not. This is a good time to give presentations, advertise your brand, and promote yourself. Jupiter turns retrograde in your work zone, so taking the path of intuition will reveal your luck for the foreseeable future. The more you listen to it, the more fortunate you will be.
Sagittarius: Jupiter, your personal planet, turns retrograde this week, which means that its influence could be felt on more of an inner than outer level. Being willing to listen to your inner guidance connects you to your luck and good fortune. The more you learn to trust and follow it, the easier your path ahead will be. Your adventure zone is also in focus, bringing thoughts of travel to exotic locations. It's time to book that dream vacation or short break.

Capricorn: Your ambitious nature reasserts itself as Saturn moves back into Libra and your career zone. You're determined to make it big and be as successful as you can be. The harder you work, the more you'll live up to your expectations. But don't become a workaholic. You need to maintain some balance in your life. When Jupiter squares Pluto on Saturday, you may want to risk contacting someone who can do you a big favor. Your hunch pays off!
Aquarius: Your partnership zone lights up as the Sun enters Leo. Love is on the agenda and this includes some very romantic gestures. Expect roses, chocolates, and royal treatment. Saturn moves into Libra and your learning zone. You may feel a powerful desire to enhance your education by taking an undergraduate or advanced degree. The more you learn, the more you can earn. Go for it. As Jupiter turns retrograde, learn to listen to your instincts to catch those lucky breaks.

Pisces: Your joint finances will be in focus as Saturn moves into your Eighth House. It will remain here until 2012, so take responsibility for any debts. Don't give away your power. Be the one in control. Jupiter turns retrograde in your personal money zone, so listen within to catch those nuggets of wisdom that will translate into gold if you act upon them. Take a look at your health and well-being and see if there is any room for improvement.

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