Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week of School

Well, I can officialy say I've survived the first week of 8th grade. Things are kind of weird, to say the least. I'm learning Spanish (Which moslty just makes me laugh a lot 'cause I'm sure I sound like a total moron trying to pronounce all the words. The whole rolling r's thing is equally hysterical). I have two classes out at the same portable, which is new. Also, there's Geometry. I hated Algebra. I hate Geometry. The only thing that's changed is that geometry has more shapes. The deans are still mean, the principal's still stupid, the lunch room still smells like a science experiment gone wrong, and my friends are still amazingly awesome. Life as a middle schooler can be summed up in one word in my case: WACKY. Things are never normal, sometimes that's fun, and other times it's just plain terrifying. Here's to another year in Middle School, the wackiest place I know.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Am I even coordinated enough to attend public school?

I'm not entirely sure i'm going to be able to go back to school, seeing as how I've been having trouble completing basic tasks such as opening doors and putting things in shopping carts. The other day I went to Perkins, and kept pushing a door that you had to pull to open. I couldn't get inside until one of the employees opened it for me. (I know, pathetic). Then, at SuperWalmart (Where you can buy just about anything) I tried to place an item in the cart and dropped it several inches short of the cart. (Fail). I also manged to jab my thumb in my eye (on accident) and trip (then go flying inot my dresser) thanks to my laptop cord. All in all, I'm questioning whether I even have the ability to survive in an environment where I have to open doors and place things in my back pack. do you think the doctor would give me an excuse note to avoid school for this kind of thing? =P

Weirdest. Summer. Ever.

This summer definitely ranks as one of the weirdest ever. For some strange reason I've been having a lot of strange encounters with marine animals. I got to ride a wild manatee, which was awesome. (I named him Jerry, no joke). The locals then called me "The Girl Who Rode The Manatee". (Again, not kidding). I also found a dead shark, was followed by schools of fish biting my ankles, and saw a green jellyfish. All in all, rather strange. Also, I went online to take a personality quiz (I do weird things when bored), and my results were "No one F*cking Cares!". Well, that's five minutes of my life I won't get back. T_T Another really fun thing I got the opportunity to do is... PARASAILING! I got to go up 800 feet with my brother will attached to a parachute being towed by a boat. (And I was a good girl and resisted any urges to unclip him =P) All in all I've been having a very weird, yet fun summer. =D

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer, Freedom, and the magic of Toothpaste

Summer is finally here!!!! Now that school is over and summer has once again arrived, I am free to write, blog, read, and lounge around doing absolutely nothing if I so please. Ahh, life is good. I am currently staying at the Ron Jon resort with my brother and grandparents while my parents work back at home. This place is amazing, yet there is one, or two, things about it that I find slightly disturbing. First, you have to wear an orange wristband 24/7. Yeah, you can't remove it. Ever. Until you leave. Freaky, right? Not sure whether it's more prison-y or mental asylum-y. Also, the curtain covering the window next to my bed refused to shut all the way, so my grandma fixed it. With toothpaste. I love it, yet somehow I doubt the people who clean and manage these rooms are going to....hehehehe =P

Monday, May 2, 2011

My lack of updating is horrendous, but then again, so is school

I can't believe I haven't updated since....SEPTEMBER! Ooooopppppppsssss. Anyway, I might as well run through a quick list of important things that have happened since then. Here we go....

1. I've discovered my evil band director deserves to be severly punsihed.
2. Pop music has gotten even worse...look at Justin Bieber and Rebecca Black....shudder!
3. Kara read an apples to apples card that said "The Three Tenors" as "The Three Tumors".
4. I have barely survived Algebra.
5. School dress code got stupider, as well as our administration.
6. I've discovered the joys of disecting a pickle....Rest in Peace George.
 Well, that sums up just a little bit of what's been happening since I last updated. Anyway, like always free chocolate to anyone who comments. (Yes, Nat, I'm thinking of you. She has O.C.D. Obsessive, Chocolate, Demon. I on the other hand have O.C.D. Obsessive Coffee Demon.)

Love, hugs, and COFFEE!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Magical Wonders of Duct Tape

Duct tape has got to be one of the best things anyone has ever invented. I mean, seriously, what can't duct tape do? The Mythbusters have proved that you can make it into a bridge, stop a car with it, fix a car broken into a million pieces with it and tape a car to a pole with it. Anyway, I just felt like talking about duct tape since its so amazing! =)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pangea or Pandora?

I feel like it's been forever since I last updated. Things have been so insane with school starting back and all that I haven't really had much free time at all. I'm hoping that maybe now that things have finally started to settle down, I will have more time to regularly check and update my blog. In the meantime, I thought I'd share an interesting conversation Kara and I had one day at school during 6th period Geography. I like to call it
 "Pangea or Pandora?"

Kara: "Is India in Rome?"
Rebecca: "No..."
Kara: "Is Rome in India?"
Rebecca: "Again, no. They're not even on the same continent!"
Kara: "Well they could be, what about continental drift?"
Rebecca: "Continents don't drift that way!"
Kara: "What about Pandora, huh?"
Rebecca: "It was Pangea! Pandora is a jewelry company!"

Yes, this is a real conversation and she honestly wasnt trying to be funny. Shes not very good at Geography obviously, and she gets words screwed up sometimes. She really thought what she was saying was true until I pointed out otherwise. I will post more little conversations like this as we say them. My friends and I have a habit of saying stuff like this a lot, so it probably wont be that long. Until then, bye.