Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Week of School

Well, I can officialy say I've survived the first week of 8th grade. Things are kind of weird, to say the least. I'm learning Spanish (Which moslty just makes me laugh a lot 'cause I'm sure I sound like a total moron trying to pronounce all the words. The whole rolling r's thing is equally hysterical). I have two classes out at the same portable, which is new. Also, there's Geometry. I hated Algebra. I hate Geometry. The only thing that's changed is that geometry has more shapes. The deans are still mean, the principal's still stupid, the lunch room still smells like a science experiment gone wrong, and my friends are still amazingly awesome. Life as a middle schooler can be summed up in one word in my case: WACKY. Things are never normal, sometimes that's fun, and other times it's just plain terrifying. Here's to another year in Middle School, the wackiest place I know.

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