Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weirdest. Summer. Ever.

This summer definitely ranks as one of the weirdest ever. For some strange reason I've been having a lot of strange encounters with marine animals. I got to ride a wild manatee, which was awesome. (I named him Jerry, no joke). The locals then called me "The Girl Who Rode The Manatee". (Again, not kidding). I also found a dead shark, was followed by schools of fish biting my ankles, and saw a green jellyfish. All in all, rather strange. Also, I went online to take a personality quiz (I do weird things when bored), and my results were "No one F*cking Cares!". Well, that's five minutes of my life I won't get back. T_T Another really fun thing I got the opportunity to do is... PARASAILING! I got to go up 800 feet with my brother will attached to a parachute being towed by a boat. (And I was a good girl and resisted any urges to unclip him =P) All in all I've been having a very weird, yet fun summer. =D

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