Monday, July 19, 2010

Something to keep you from dying of boredom

I just got back from Camp Crystal and already I miss it. Sure, I;m glad to be home, but camp was AWESOME! (Well, except for the fact that Nathalie, Kara, and I were horrendous at sailing and I got hit in the head a lot with the boom, and also the fact that the boat was overflowing with water and tipping a lot. Basically, never go sailing with us if you want to come back not half drowned and three hours late along with a couple of minor head injuries from being knocked out of the boat by the boom, which did actually hapen to another girl.) I swear, we were so bad at sailing we almost hit another sailboat three times, the speedboat once or twice and the dock about two or three times. That's how great we were! =) (not!) Anyway, now that I am home I've been feeling a little bit bored. I'm working on my summer reading, but I really need something else to do. I was looking around on youtube for some funny videos and I came across this one. It's not the funniest one in the world, but it is more entertaining than sitting around staring at the wall. Here it is. I have also posted another video of some people who actually sail worse than me and my friends. (Wow, impossible right? Think again!)


  1. Yo, what's up with all of the fortune cookie comments?? They aren't even relevant...well i guess the water one is, but still.

  2. What with the foreign (is tht how you spell it?) words dude. Anywho, i honestly didn't know that there were peeps worse at sailing than we were!!! Ahh...not so good times. Member when we were trying to scoop the water out of the boat, BIG SIGH!!

  3. Also, who are you, the guy writing in the foreign (still don't know how to spell it...), i think it is korean, but i don't know. Do we know you or do you know us?

  4. Yeah, seriously, who are you? I think you have been following my blog for a while, but most of your comments haven't made a whole lot of sense to me. Anyway, lol Kara, I do remember. It was definently a BIG SIGH moment. =)
