Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Are you a Chocolate Addict?

Are you wondering if perhaps you are addicted to chocolate? Take this quiz and find out! You will be rated on a scale of 1 to 5 the end based on your answers...NO PEEKING! 1 meaning you are not a fan of chocolate, and 5 being seek medical help for your addiction. Here's the quiz...enjoy....P.S., of you email me your score at and i will give you free chocolate!( you might want to on a sheet of paper keep track of what letter you put for each question :-) )
Enjoy the quiz!

Question #1

About how often do you eat chocolate?
A. Every day
B. Every couple of days
C. Once a week or so
D. Once a month
E. Rarely

Question #2

Would you rather have $5 or a chocolatre bar right now?
A. The money!
B. The chocolate!
C. Neither!
D. I don't care!
E. No, I want you to donate it to the orphanage instead please!

Question #3

On average, how many pieces of chocolate do you eat in a day?
A. 7 or more
B. 6
C. 5 or 4
D. 3 or 2
E. 1 or 0

Question #4

Which dessert would you rather have?
A. hershey's chocolate bar
B. Spinach!
C. ice-cream
D. 5 cookies
E. a piece of cake

Question #5

How many chocolate companies can you name?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 or more
E. Huh? There are factories that make chocolate? I never knew!

Question #6

Would you rather visit a famous person of your choice or a world famous chocolate factory?
A. the famous person
B. the chocolate factory
C. Neither!

Question #7

Where in nature does chocolate come from?
A. Monkies!
B. The cocoa treee or pod specifically
C. Bananas!
D. The ground
E. Potatoes!

Question #8

Have you ever eaten choicolate in the morning before?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Huh?

Question #9

Do you like chocolate covered raisins or pretzels?
A. Yes
B. No
C. One but not the other

Question #10

How awesome do you think chocolate is?
A. Great!!!
B. AWESOME!!!!!!!
D. Yummy!

Here is how you tally up your answers: Get out a sheet of paper and something to write with. Keep track of how many points you get. For the first question, if you put A, give yourself 7 points, B = 6 points, C = 5 points, D = 3, and E = 1 point. For #2, for A put 0 points, B put 8 points, C put -1 point (so subtract a point from your score), D put 1 point, E put 3 points for being a noce person. For #3, for A put 7 points, B put 6 points, C put 5 points, D put 3 points, E put 1 point. For #4, for A put 8 points, B put -2 points, C put 0 points, D put 0 points,and E put 0 points. For #5, if you answered A put 1 point, B put 2, C put 3, D out 4, and E put -4 points. For #6, if you answered A, put 0 points, B put 5 points, and C put -2 points. For #7, for A, put 0 points, for B put 10 points, for C put 0 points, for D put 0 points, and for E put 0 points. For #8, for A, put 5 points, B put 0 points and C put 0 points. For #9, for A, put 7 points, for B put 0 points, and for C put 3 points. For #10, for A, put 0 points, for B put 4 points, for C put 0 points, and for E put -7 points.

Now tally your score. If you got 60 to 65 points, you are a 5 and need medical help! You're OBSESSED and ADDICTED to chocolate. Please call your local doctor and request immediate help.
If you got 59-45 points, you are a 4. You LOVE chocolate, and are partly addicted, but there is still hope for you.
If you got 44-35 points, you are a 3. You also love chocolate, but you are not quite obsessed, yet.
If you got 34-20 points,you are a 2. You love chocolate, sorta, but aren't addicted in the slightest.
If you got less than 20, like maybe a neggative,you're a 1. You DONT ACTUALLY LIKE CHOCOLATE ALL THAT MUCH.

thanks for taking the quiz and don't forget to email me the results for free chocolate! :-)

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