Monday, April 26, 2010

Another Video

Here's another video I made. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions for new video ideas. Enjoy =)

The Second Entry(s)

My friend Nathalie has submitted a couple of things, some cool websites and a very accurate picture of her little sister. If you know her, you will agree. =) (you can copy and paste the website addresses into your browser)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I can put my own videos on here!!!!

I found an old web cam in my bedroom and have decided to post my own videos on my blog. Enjoy! =)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The first submission

Here's the first submission in the contest...a picture of a golden doodle puppy from Kara! =)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hey, I'm having a contest for the best video/picture/piece of writing/coolest website anything you think might be cool for me to put on my blog. If I like it, I will and if you go to Lincoln Middle School I will give you gum and/or other candy. =) So send your stuff to me at

Monday, April 12, 2010

The End

Here's another amazing short story by my friend Nathalie. Be sure to leave comments about what you think of it. Enjoy =)

The End

I remember spinning. The high green grass practically engulfing my small body. I remember the flowers. They were lavender and I still recall how they fluttered on the wind like miniature ballerinas performing one of Nature’s beautiful plays. They would swirl around me and Dixie would try to catch them in her jaws. Everything was perfect then. The way the sun would kiss my skin and how the grass yellowed was perfect. My family and life were perfect.

Why couldn’t it have stayed that way?

My name is Callie Hevyard. I was born at 13:13, January 13th, 1997. I used to think that having so many 13’s was just a coincidence. It was my favorite number for a while, until I found out it was unlucky. I don’t mean to be superstitious, but no matter how much they would tease me, I just always found that number to be a messenger of misfortune. When my mom was thirteen, her parents died in a fire. On the 13th of every month somehow I would be harmed. No one else ever connected the dates to my cuts, bruises, and high fevers. I would see the shadows in groups of thirteen. Everything in my life seemed connected to that one dreadful number. Even my 13th birthday surprise; having my dad leave.

I never realized how hard it was to die, how long it really takes, how painful it really was, until it actually happened. My killer wasn’t a person or an animal at all. It wasn’t even from this world. It was a shadow. It was one of those that would emerge from the deepest depths of Hell; to come and destroy me. Nothing could save me from its fury, not even my own shadow.

Everybody had one and his or her shadow could protect you from anything. Well…almost. Some shadows weren’t people. They came directly from the fire and brimstone that lay underneath. Those were the ones you had to watch out for. Of course, those were also the ones that followed me. I would hear them whispering to each other about me. How else do you think I figured out that I was gonna be the cause for the end of all life?

I had been walking home from school. As usual, the shadows flocked around me. But there had been two in particular that seemed to hover so closely I could feel their horrible feelings snaking their ways into my mind. Then they had stopped. The silence chilled me, but I kept on walking though the field. Then they started again. I could feel their stares boring into me. After some more mindless mumbling, I heard them say something that caused my heart to stop and my throat to tighten. “He will come for her. When he does, he will crush her bones and he will rip her apart. He will take her soul back with him and torture it. He will make her scream and when she does the light will become darkness and life will become death. The end will arrive and we’ll kill the source of all hope, her,” it terrified me.

That night I lay awake. Night was the only time when I got to be alone and think. I got to think without knowing that I was exposed to these creatures of death. I wanted someone to talk to then, to tell everything to. But, that was just me fantasizing again. There wasn’t anyone else like me. I was cursed and my mother knew it. She said I had always looked haunted, like my eyes were hiding something behind their blue films. Your eyes are the keys to your soul I guess. I never told her what happens to me. I never kept a diary - not one on paper. I thought about how I was going to die, when it would occur, about how it would feel. That’s what I did most nights, think.

It was 13 weeks later, when I had another one of my unlucky impulses. Previous impulses include taking a nap in the middle of an intersection and cutting my arms with a pocketknife. Luckily, this one was more innocent. I wanted to walk through the woods next to the lake. Children giggled and splashed in the cool water. Always close by lay their shadows, as happy and carefree as their owners.

The pine scent felt refreshing in my nostrils, but I wasn’t paying attention to that. My eyes had glazed over and I wasn’t thinking anymore. “Just keep walking. Just keep walking.”My mind kept repeating. More shadows gathered around me. They stayed in the dark patches where the sun could not burn them. These were the weakest kind, only capable of causing you to stumble or cough. I kept walking. The sun had disappeared behind a canopy of leaves. A cold breeze wafted lazily through the forest, causing my golden curls to wrap around the curves of my face. Without thinking, I stopped.

For the first time in my life, all was quiet. No whispers, no wind, no chirping birds. I spoke out, free from my zombie-like state, but no sound escaped my throat. I tried again, yet my lips moved and nothing came out. Open and shut, open and shut. They were everywhere, but I couldn’t see them. I started to shriek but I still couldn’t hear anything. Tears started spilling down my face, but I couldn’t feel their wetness. My shadow appeared in front of me, her face like mine, only less hysteric. There was something about the way she looked; it scared me. She had this glint in her eyes, like she was mocking me. No, no! This isn’t right! No one ever sees his or her own shadow…unless- “You are about to die.” She smiled back at me, gleeful that she was able to complete my sentence, but she hadn’t spoken. The voice was an inhuman, rasp that erected from the throat of a little girl.

That was when everything lost its color. The trees, the water, the sky, all became a shade of gray that appeared to be melting. I spun around and around, feeling as though I was going insane. The ground began to boil and I felt like I was going to melt along with everything else. My shadow materialized again, walking around me in circles, attempting to save me, but her power was like a spark compared to the roaring wildfire that the demon held. I felt myself collapse into a heap on the hot ground. The evil shadow took the chance and he seeped inside of me. It hurt, oh how it hurt. Like I was burning from the inside out. I could feel pressure and then the snap of my arms. It seemed as though it was pounding my bone into a pulp. Then I could feel the creature moving. His poisonous soul was now down in my legs. Crack, snap. And gone were my legs. I cried out in pain, but I couldn’t open my mouth. My jaw locked and wouldn’t move. One arm still twitched. I used it to touch the other. I could not sense the pain in the lame arm, but could feel the bones sloshing around. I watched as it emerged from my body and came closer to me. This one had no features, it was only a silhouette. Its cold hand came over my mouth and nose, blocking the air. I was trying to suck in the air, that’s all I wanted, air. But it wouldn’t come.

It would never come. The blackness faded in and out like a bad radio signal. My eyes would loll upward and close, then open again. Finally my lunges burst and my heart slowed and finally stopped. The last thing I thought before it took its final beat was “Why?”

For a while I just watched. I knew I was dead. But at the moment, I was my shadow. I watched as he tore my limbs apart and scattered them across the woods. Then he turned his blank face towards me and glided over silently. He grasped my hand with a grip so hard that it would have crunched the bone, had I any. Those eight seconds were the most terrifying in all my life. I saw things that should never be seen by a human. I saw and heard people as they were put in torture devices. I watched as bodies were dismembered, like mine had been. My face had a look upon it that was of pure fear and disgust. The shadow enjoying it all. Then he let go. I was slammed into the flames. Though dead, they still burned me. He asked me to sit down in the chair closest to the fire. I knew not to disobey him.

As I settled into the hard metal chair, shackles closed themselves tightly around my wrists. They were so tight, it seemed as though if I moved, they would tear my skin open. He showed me things, things I never wanted to see. Things that scared me more than anything else. That was almost impossible by human standards. He talked to me, and through all my hysteria, I managed to ask him why.

“Why? Because there has to be someone out there who is meant to end it all. Because hope and love and goodness cannot reign supreme forever. Every good king must die. Every thriving empire must fall. You humans think that you will live forever, but none of you want to accept the truth. Someday, it’s all going to end. No one wants to be the person that has to do it, that has to destroy his or her family and lives, but someone has to do it. There is always an end, and now the end is here,” with that he stepped towards me.
I screamed.

The ground caved in, the oceans flooded as the sky fell and fire roared. People ran. I could hear their shriek, a mother’s yell for her child. Then I recognized it as my own mother. More tears streamed down my face as I heard her drown. She sputtered my name one last time before she sunk to the bottom of the ocean. As me anger grew, I lunged at the shadow. My eyes flared with hatred for a moment and volcanoes erupted, spilling lava. I struck him hard and as he threw me to the ground, the earth started to split. I twisted my head to look at the fire, wishing for it to be water The streaks of fire became waves that pounded him to the ground along with me. Tsunamis occurred at every point where water met land. We were at eye level now. With a single slip of my hand, the chair turned to dust. I turned over until I had him pinned to the ground. Facial features appeared on his face. I stopped dead in my tracks.

This thing that was meant to destroy me was my own father. We locked eyes for a moment. He started talking to me through our minds. I spoke to him in a crackly voice, “If you had really loved me, you would have never left. You would have told me about all of this. You would have prevented it. You wouldn’t have done this to me. I looked at him again, but this time I only saw a villain. I looked back at him, “I hate you,” and that was all it took. Everything froze and he disappeared. I blinked.

My eyes opened again. I was alone in the middle of the street. No one else was here. No shadows, no souls, no life at all. Everything was muted. There was no sound other than the wind. It was dark now. There was no one else and never would there be. This was the end.

I was the end.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Prologue-dedicated to Nathalie and Kara

Here's the prologue of my new story. It's based on a song Kara introduced me to, thanks Kara-you rock! (And thanks to Nat for being supportive along with Kara. This story is dedicated to the both of you.)
Let me know what you think! (And if I should put the rest of it on here or not. And, if you're looking for good writing, check out my friend Nathalie's blog. It's super, like her!) Here it is...


Sometimes, when it’s nice outside, I’ll sit under a shady tree and gaze at the sky, wondering what life would be like if I had been born without a second sight. I sigh and look at the big fluffy clouds, dreaming of a normal life out here in the country, filled with happiness, simplicity, and family love. I wonder what life would have been like if things hadn’t happened the way they did, if my older brother hadn’t died suddenly, and if my dad hadn’t left us. If my mother hadn’t become gloomy and depressed, if my other brother hadn’t left soon after, I wonder what life would have been like. Maybe not perfect, but I think things would have been better.
It’s hard, having a second sight like I do. I have to pretend that I don’t see them, but I do. They haunt me night and day, causing me to drop dishes and scare my family. I always tell them I was just not paying attention, lost in another fantasy. Mostly they accept this, earning me the title of the lonesome daydreamer, which I suppose is as close to the truth as they are ever going to get. Sometimes I worry about my sensitive mother; she always seems to know what is bothering me. I worry that she has guessed the truth, that she knows my secret. Every time this concern bothers me, I am extra careful for a few days, sometimes a week. But she never confronts me. One day she will just stop looking at me in that funny way, buying the story that I was just a normal teen, with normal issues that would make me act strange. She once asked me if I had a boyfriend, or if there was anyone I liked at school. I answered with an honest no and shrugged it off. She persisted at first, but when she realized she wasn’t going to get anything out of me, she left it be. She never brought it up again, though I suspect she often thought about it.
As I sit under my favorite tree, as I am doing today, I think about the times before dad left, the times when things were normal, nice even. I think about the times when he would call me Katie-berry and pick me up, swinging me around. I think about how we would both break out laughing. He had the most perfect laugh; it was the sound I treasured most in the world. He would set me down gently underneath this very tree, and lay on his back, staring at the endless blue sky. Sometimes he would ask me about what the clouds looked like, but usually he just lay there, talking about the wonderful life we were all going to have out here, how perfect things were going to be out in the country, with the fields and trees, and good clean air. He talked about how we were all going to grow up in a wonderful house and go on to be successful, happy people with families of our own.
I wonder why he didn’t stay to see those things happen. I wonder why he left if he loved us like he said. I wonder why he told us he would always be there for us if he knew he wouldn’t. Mom never talks about the day he left, but I think about it almost every day. I remember that day, when I came down the stairs from my room and found the note lying on the kitchen table. The table I had sat at day after day, coloring, or just staring out the window. This same table was what brought the news of my father’s disappearance. He said simply that he loved us, but that he had to go. I remember slumping to the ground and hearing someone sobbing. Then my mom was there, desperately asking “What’s the matter?” Then she found the note. I remember how all that day I felt as if I was in a trance. I didn’t feel, I didn’t hear, I didn’t see. I remember blindly finding the tree and lying under it, sobbing. I remember thinking about those talks we’d had under this same tree. At one point, I began whispering “Why? Why? Why?” over and over again. I remembered thinking that if he’d loved us, why would he leave us? It didn’t make sense, then or now. I was ten, and my father had just left my life for what he said was good.

Let me know if you want more or not. Thanks. =)

Join Nathalie's Fight Against School Uniforms

My friend Nathalie is against school uniforms in Alachua County. If you are too, leave comments for her on her blog at
Even if not, you should still go check out her awesome blog! =)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Of Squirrels, Sharks, and Sunburns

I've been having a very interesting spring break, one that seems to revolve around the letter S. First, we found a dead squirrel in the middle of the road...eww! Second, there was a shark at the beach! I was out of the water at the time but it was still really scary. The shark was in the exact same area where I had been swimming earlier. We saw the actual shark when it was coming up on a wave. Eeek! Third, I got a bad sunburn :-(

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bon Qui Qui

Here's a hilarious youtube video called Bon Qui Qui. Let me know what you think of it.